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Divine Confidence - Group Coaching

What is it??

This 8 week group coaching programme is designed to get you working together with other Goddesses to support and help each other grow!

Together, we'll cover:

~ discover your Life Purpose

~ how to uncover your limiting beliefs

~ how to transform those beliefs by telling them to 'F OFF!'

~ discovering the Shadow Self

~ the power of forgiveness

~ how to clear your stored, negative energy

~ harnessing your Feminine Energy superpower!

~ how to make the Law of Attraction work for you

My Group Coaching is for you if:

~ know you were meant for more but need support to get there
~ thrive on self discovery
~ enjoy supporting and being part of a loving community
~ are prepared to dive deep to help your light shine
~ are someone who will put in the work!

My group coaching is not for you if:

~ you aren't prepared to get a little uncomfortable confronting old beliefs
~ you don't want to change your mindset
~ you don't want to change your life!

So, what's involved, I hear you cry??

All this, my beautiful soul…

💎8 deep dive modules to help you discover your inner Goddess

💎8 powerful weekly group coaching sessions

💎thought-provoking exercises for each module, to facilitate your transformation

💎Access to the exclusive Facebook Group – Goddess Mindset Collective

💎Module 1 - Purpose

How fulfilled would you feel if you could identify your soul purpose? If you could understand why you are here?

Well, in Module 1, we’ll discover just that! We’ll look at exactly whet your purpose is and how you can begin to live it!



💎Module 2 - Limiting Beliefs

In this module, we uncover exactly what it is that has been holding you back from achieving your goals in the past, and we look at how we can transform those to allow you to become empowered and unstoppable!


💎Module 3 - Shadow Work

This one is fascinating! Ever heard of your Shadow Self? Well, after this module, you will not only have heard of it, you’ll have met, accepted and embraced yours!

You’ll also understand how doing this can help with all relationships in your life.


💎Module 4 - Inner Child Work

We all carry trauma from our childhood around with us. It is this that can cause resistance to us achieving what we want as an adult.

In Module 4, we look at healing your wounded inner child, and giving them all the love and support they may not have had when they were little.

This lovely module allows you to heal and grow, not only as your childhood self, but as an adult too.


💎Module 5 - Forgiveness

When we learn to forgive, we learn to give ourselves peace.

In this powerful Module, we’ll work through forgiving not only those who you feel have ‘wronged’ you, but you’ll also learn how to forgive YOU.

Which is the best gift you could ever give to yourself.❤


💎Module 6 - Energy Work

Do you know that you can remove any stored negative energy that you’re holding on to, and that by doing so, you can attract the positive energy you want to be attracting instead?

You didn’t?!

Well then you are going to love Module 6!


💎Module 7 – Feminine Energy

All of us possess both masculine and feminine energy, and the energy we are in, determines the actions we take.

In this Module, we learn all about harnessing your powerful feminine energy, and how this can have a huge effect on our ability to manifest the life of our dreams.


💎Module 8 - Aligned Action

Our final Module will equip you with all the tools you need to feel confident in the action you’ll take in the future.

You’ll learn how to take steps that only feel aligned and good, and how that will enable you to move towards your goal in ease and flow!

What is the investment?

All of this life changing content is available for an incredible £1111* at the moment!

(*payment plans available)

The price may increase in the future, so make sure you take action and secure your space!!

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