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Hello Goddesses!

Welcome to Lisa Usher Coaching...where what's holding you back comes to die, and you rise like a Confident Goddess phoenix from the ashes...

Sound a bit dramatic right?

Well, so is the transformation you're going to go on.

And I can be a 'little' bit dramatic too, so...

BUT...are you really ready for a life-changing transformation??

You didn't come to my website by chance, you were guided here because you want to turn the relationship you have with yourself around, right?!

As your Confidence Mindset Coach, it's my purpose to make sure you find that Inner Goddess and manifest the life you've always wanted!


And why do you need to release that Inner Goddess, I hear you cry??


Well, let's be honest for a moment. Are you truly happy where you are in life right now?


Have you:

💫 Got the job or career you've always wanted?

💫 Got the relationship of your dreams?

💫 Got friendships that mean the world to you?

💫 Got the social life that lights you up?


I'm betting the answer to one or more is probably 'No' I right?


Well that's why you were guided here, beautiful that I can help you have it all.


Because you CAN have it all.


And you absolutely f*cking deserve to!


Using proven coaching techniques, we'll work together to help you transform you from uncertain into the unshakably confident person you've always wanted to be, and I'll teach you the Law of Attraction practices to help you manifest the abundant life you've always dreamed of...


So what are you waiting for Goddess?! You owe it to yourself to do this!

So who on Earth am i?!

I'm Lisa, a Certified Coach, NLP Practitioner and Law of Attraction obsessive!!

I'd stumbled across the Law of Attraction (LoA) back in 2018, after our first failed IVF cycle. People kept telling me to 'stay positive', and whilst I knew that wouldn't miraculously solve our fertility issues, I knew there was some truth in needing to change my mindset. It was then that I came across 'The Secret'. 


I don't believe in coincidences, so I knew I was meant to find it, when I did. I honestly believe that reading that helped me to manifest my twins from our hugely more successful second IVF cycle.


When I stumbled upon Fertility Coaching, I knew I needed to follow that path, and help others who were in a similar struggle. Details of my Fertility Coaching can be found on this page.


It was whilst I was researching this area, that I decided I needed to do more work on my own mindset.


I'd lost sight of the ways of LoA whilst juggling new born twins and going back to work.


was stuck in a negative mindset, hating my job for taking me away from my babies, and wishing there was more to life...more money, more time, more freedom...


It was whilst doing that work, that I realised how much my self-worth (and self-love) and confidence just grew and grew!


I finally accepted myself for who I am (the good and bad), and with that acceptance, I found a much more positive mindset.


One that actually bloody lasted!


That, in turn, led to opportunities that I couldn't even have imagined just a few short months earlier.


And so my coaching career began!  From my need to share this with every woman who is lost and needs that little bit of help to find herself again.


She's in there, she just needs my help to break free and take control of her world again!!


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